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API Reference for Roletalk-JS


This API is generated directly from project's source with TypeDoc

Due to development process of TypeDoc, overriden events are not visible unless you fill "Inherited" checkbox, then see on methods on classes to check available typed events.

Some basic examples will be added soon...


Connection and authentication

//import is common for all files

import { Peer } from 'roletalk'

//file Bob.ts

let bob = new Peer({ name: 'Bob' })
//We can add multiple preshared keys.
bob.addPresharedKey('supersecret', 'qwerty456')
bob.addPresharedKey('some_other', 'qwerty123')

bob.on('unit', (unit) => {
    console.log( `Unit connected to Bob: ${unit.name}` )

setTimeout(() => {
    console.log( `Bob connected to next units: ${bob.units.map(unit => unit.name)}` )
}, 1000)


//file Alice.ts

let alice = new Peer({ name: 'Alice' })
alice.addPresharedKey('supersecret', 'qwerty456')
alice.addPresharedKey('one_another', 'qwerty789')

alice.on('unit', (unit) => {
    console.log( `Unit connected to Alice: ${unit.name}` )


//file Chuck.ts

let chuck = new Peer({ name: 'Chuck' })
chuck.addPresharedKey('supersecret', 'maybe_12345?')

chuck.connect('ws://localhost:9000').catch(err => console.log( `Chuck cannot connect to Bob: ${err}` ))

//file Carlos.ts

let carlos = new Peer({ name: 'Carlos' })
//Lets try to connect to Bob without keys at all
carlos.connect('ws://localhost:9000').catch(err => console.log( `Carlos cannot connect to Bob: ${err}` ))


Carlos cannot connect to Bob: Verification error: The peer has not such proofs: supersecret,some_other
Unit connected to Alice: Bob
Chuck cannot connect to Bob: Auth error: Preshared key mismatch. Chosen id: supersecret
Unit connected to Bob: Alice
Bob connected to next units: Alice

RPC with middleware

import { Peer } from 'roletalk'
import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'

let wrapper1 = new Peer({ name: 'Wrapper 1' })
let wrapper2 = new Peer({ name: 'Wrapper 2' })
let wrapper3 = new Peer({ name: 'Wrapper 3' })
let wrapper4 = new Peer({ name: 'Wrapper 4' })
let sender = new Peer()

let wrappers = [wrapper1, wrapper2, wrapper3, wrapper4]

for (let wrapper of wrappers) {

    let i = 0;

    //Handling all incoming requests for all roles and events to increment counter
    wrapper.onRequest(async (ctx) => {

    //Stringigying responses for all events
    wrapper.role('json-wrapper').onRequest(async (ctx) => {
        // Waiting for response to stringify it...
        await ctx.next!()
        ctx.response = JSON.stringify(ctx.response)

    //Wrapping data
    wrapper.role('json-wrapper').onRequest('wrap', (ctx, cb) => {
        cb(null, { total_order: i, data: ctx.data, by: wrapper.name })

setInterval(async () => {
    try {
        let data = randomBytes(10).toString('hex')
        let ctx = await sender.destination('json-wrapper').request('wrap', data)
        console.log(`${data} wrapped to ${ctx.data}`)
    catch (err) {

}, 1000)


7ea03d3339a59d7b6fd1 wrapped to {"total_order":1,"data":"7ea03d3339a59d7b6fd1","by":"Wrapper 1"}
0fbf880c5010372ad6e2 wrapped to {"total_order":1,"data":"0fbf880c5010372ad6e2","by":"Wrapper 2"}
edcfebf32574bbf9dfe9 wrapped to {"total_order":1,"data":"edcfebf32574bbf9dfe9","by":"Wrapper 3"}
65284dfd7fbfe88f3fa2 wrapped to {"total_order":1,"data":"65284dfd7fbfe88f3fa2","by":"Wrapper 4"}
2838ac705a7b00a4baa3 wrapped to {"total_order":2,"data":"2838ac705a7b00a4baa3","by":"Wrapper 1"}
32274132938f6e8227bd wrapped to {"total_order":2,"data":"32274132938f6e8227bd","by":"Wrapper 2"}
a4cc0784da453df58ccb wrapped to {"total_order":2,"data":"a4cc0784da453df58ccb","by":"Wrapper 3"}
22f9f79cdad13d32079f wrapped to {"total_order":2,"data":"22f9f79cdad13d32079f","by":"Wrapper 4"}
06c41164f30ec96f399c wrapped to {"total_order":3,"data":"06c41164f30ec96f399c","by":"Wrapper 1"}
06556695174afdfd12a2 wrapped to {"total_order":3,"data":"06556695174afdfd12a2","by":"Wrapper 2"}


import { Peer } from 'roletalk'

//Declare publisher and subscribers
let pub = new Peer({ name: 'Bob' }),
    sub1 = new Peer({ name: "Alice" }),
    sub2 = new Peer({ name: "Anna" }),
    sub3 = new Peer({ name: "Kate" })

let subs = [sub1, sub2, sub3];

let port = 9000

//Now let's connect them together. It doesn't matter who listens and who connects.
//For example, publisher will be the listener
subs.forEach(async (sub: Peer) => {
    try {
        //Connect subscribers to publisher
        let connected = await sub.connect('ws://localhost:' + port)
        console.log( `${sub.name} connected to ${connected.unit.name}` )
    } catch (err) {
        console.log( `Cannot connect to Bob due to error: ${err}` )

//Declare Role and handler for event
subs.forEach(async (sub: Peer) => {
    sub.role('time_receiver').onMessage('now', (ctx) => {
        let now = new Date(ctx.data).toTimeString()
        console.log( `This is ${sub.name}. ${ctx.unit.name} told me current time: ${now}` )
        //maybe rate his work?
        if (Math.random() > 0.9) {
            let rate = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5 + 5)
            sub.destination('time_emitter').send({ unit: ctx.unit, event: 'rate' }, rate)

pub.role('time_emitter').onMessage('rate', (ctx) => {
    console.log( `${ctx.unit.name} has rated my work: ${ctx.data}` )
setInterval(() => {
    pub.destination('time_receiver').broadcast('now', Date.now())
}, 1000)


This is Alice. Bob told me current time: 18:55:33 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
This is Anna. Bob told me current time: 18:55:33 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
This is Kate. Bob told me current time: 18:55:33 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
This is Alice. Bob told me current time: 18:55:34 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
This is Anna. Bob told me current time: 18:55:34 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
This is Kate. Bob told me current time: 18:55:34 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
Anna has rated my work: 9
This is Alice. Bob told me current time: 18:55:35 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
This is Anna. Bob told me current time: 18:55:35 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
This is Kate. Bob told me current time: 18:55:35 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
Kate has rated my work: 8

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